Watches have watch makers, paintings have painters, designs have designers, and creation has a creator,

Tony Evans
About This Quote

A watch has a watch maker, paintings have painters, designs have designers, and creation has a creator. The meaning of this quote is that everything that has been created has a creator behind it. Things just don’t come out of nowhere. They come from somewhere and usually there is a reason for it to be the way it is. The creator of things often creates them with purpose and it is important to be able to identify where and why they were created.

Source: The Power Of Gods Names

Some Similar Quotes
  1. Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest. Joshua 1:9 - Anonymous

  2. The great are strongest when they stand alone, A God-given might of being is their force. - Sri Aurobindo

  3. What you gain another will lose, for What is there is all there is. What you share another will have, for What is there is enough for all. - Anonymous

  4. We work very hard to have what Buddha gave up to become enlightened. Does that mean we are benighted? - Anonymous

  5. Let's ignore all that back and front matter and just stick to emergences, cross-sections, to what's right in front of us in the divide where all-things has come to gather and to stay though hidden yet behind its mask, which has got it looking so... - Patrick Bryant

More Quotes By Tony Evans
  1. Success is not what you have done compared to what others have done. Success is what you have done compared to what you were supposed to do.

  2. Watches have watch makers, paintings have painters, designs have designers, and creation has a creator,

  3. One name by itself can't fully represent God's majesty & power.

  4. The single greatest reason why we are losing a generation is because the home is no longer the place of the transference of the faith. We live in a day of ‘outsourcing’…Today, we have a generation of people that outsource their kids.

  5. Even when things seem to be going wrong, they just could be going right because when you're in God's will, the negatives are part of his positive program.

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